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Use one of these for your next Hadozee Cleric character!

Hadozee are humanoid ape-folk, they have the fur and fangs of an ape but their intelligence and size show their similarity to humans. They were introduced to D&D in the Spelljammer book but can still be used for more fantasy-oriented campaigns as well.

The stats to make your own Hadozee character can be found in Spelljammer: Adventures in Space pg.13.



In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Cleric is a character class that represents a devotee of a deity, pantheon, or some other religious or spiritual force. Clerics are typically associated with divine magic, healing, and support abilities. They serve as intermediaries between the mortal world and the divine, channelling the power of their chosen deity to perform miraculous feats.

The stats to make your own Cleric character can be found in the Player Handbook pg.56.

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