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Use one of these for your next Harengon Rogue character!

In Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Harengon are a rabbitfolk originating in the Feywild. They embody the spirit of freedom and travel. They have keen senses and powerful legs that enable them to jump without provoking opportunity attacks as a bonus action!

The stats to make your own Harengon character can be found in the Mordenkainen Presents Monsters of the Multiverse Pg.22.



In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Rogue is a character class known for its stealth, agility, and skill in subterfuge. Rogues are often portrayed as thieves, spies, and assassins, but they can also be skilled in a variety of other areas, such as trap detection and disarming, lockpicking, and scouting.

The stats to make your own Rogue character can be found in the Player Handbook pg.94.

For all the stats and tables you need to make your own Harengon character, check out The Wild Beyond the Witchlight: A Feywild Adventure!

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