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Some Kobold Wizard characters for your D&D campaigns!

In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), kobolds are small, reptilian humanoid creatures that are often portrayed as aggressive and cunning. They typically stand about 2 to 2.5 feet tall and have scaly skin, often ranging in colour from reddish-brown to black. Kobolds are known for their natural agility, but they are physically weak compared to many other creatures in the D&D universe.



In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Wizard is a character class. Wizards are spellcasters who gain their magical abilities through study, research, and intense training. They are known for their mastery of arcane magic, which involves the manipulation of magical energies to cast spells. Wizards keep a spellbook, a tome containing the details of the spells they have learned. They often use a wand, staff, or other arcane focus to aid in the casting of their spells. This focus helps channel the magical energy needed to cast spells.

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