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Some Silver Dragon art for your D&D campaigns!

In Dungeons & Dragons, silver dragons are among the most noble and benevolent of the metallic dragons, known for their compassion and dedication to protecting weaker creatures. Unlike some of their more reclusive kin, silver dragons are fond of mingling with mortal societies and often assume humanoid forms to interact directly with people. They can be found in various human settlements, posing as sages, scholars, or travelers, using their wisdom and kindness to influence events subtly. Their lairs are often found in isolated, mountainous regions or atop snowy peaks, symbolizing their lofty ideals and aloof wisdom.

Silver dragons are fiercely protective of those they consider friends or innocents in need, and they are natural foes of evil dragons, especially red dragons. In battle, they are formidable with their icy breath and innate spells, often using their powers to neutralize threats without unnecessary harm. With a powerful sense of justice, silver dragons sometimes seek out epic quests or ally with heroes to confront evil on a grand scale. Their kindness, however, does not make them naïve; they are wise and cautious, understanding the complexities of mortal life and wielding their power with restraint and responsibility.


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