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Some Warforged Monk characters for your D&D campaigns!

Warforged are a race of sentient humanoid constructs in the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). They were first introduced in the Eberron campaign setting, which is one of the official D&D settings. Warforged are unique in that they are essentially living constructs created for the purpose of being soldiers, laborers, and servants. Warforged are created, not born. They are crafted with a blend of organic and inorganic materials, including wood, metal, and stone.

The stats to make your own Warforged character can be found in Eberron: Rising from the Last War Pg.35



In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a Monk is a character class that represents a disciplined and skilled martial artist, often drawing inspiration from various real-world traditions of unarmed combat. Monks are known for their exceptional speed, agility, and unarmed combat prowess. They rely on their bodies as weapons and are typically depicted as highly disciplined individuals who have honed their physical and mental abilities to superhuman levels.

The stats to make your own Monk character can be found in the Player Handbook pg.76.

For more subclasses to choose from for your characters, check out Xanathar's Guide to Everything which has options for a way of the Drunken Master, Way of the Kensai or way of the Sun Soul Monk.

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